📑Research Reports

As information gathers and pile up in sigmate service, we look forward to analyze the traffic of users and NFT investors action. Then sigmate is going to provide analytic Resesrch Reports mainly in two ways.

Project Analysis (B2C)

Sigmate research will give well-balanced point of view in NFT projects in 7 factors.

  • Project's info and history

  • Trends of on-chain data

  • Community Power

  • Utility valuation

  • About project team

  • Road map diligence

  • Risk management

These reports will be opended to Sigmate NFT holders first.

Or you could buy each of them with Sigma tokens.

Project Consulting (B2B)

Based on the data collected, sigmate is going to give consulting program for team, artist or company that looks forward or struggling in their NFT projects.

Last updated